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Stoney Creek High School Courtyard
Students looking at yearbooks 2023
Cheer team at football game 2023
A race of students on bikes for the Mountain bike club
Principal Shelson speaking at graduation 2021
Business Professionals of America Award
Students holding big charity week check
Sunrise over Stadium 2023
Softball team showing charity wristbands
German Students with poster boards
Production of Les Miserables in 2023
AP Capstone Students at Oakland University
SCHS Back of School
Student Section Home Football 2023
Stoney Creek High School Logo

Stoney Creek High School

6755 Sheldon Road
Rochester Hills, MI 48306

Phone: (248) 726-5700
Fax: (248) 726-5705
Attendance: (248) 726-5710
Counseling Office: (248) 726-5707
Counseling Office Fax:  (248) 726-5885


Brian Shelson - Principal
Beth Tocco - Assistant Principal
Jason Kluzak - Assistant Principal

Mission Statement:

Stoney Creek is a student-centered,
caring community with
high expectations,
successfully preparing students for the future.


Go Fan Link



Tickets to all athletic events will now be purchased electronically through GoFan. Anyone attending an athletic event needs to buy their tickets on GoFan. Ticket packages are available on the site.



Congratulations to our Varsity dance team for getting 8th place in the nation for the Game Day routine!

Mrs. Oliver's business classes held their food truck showcase

Morning Announcements

Stoney Creek's StuCo is hosting the State Competition this year. They are hard at work to make the event a success!

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