Welcome to Stoney Creek Counseling!
Students, making an appointment is simple!
1. Go to the counseling office (before school, after school, between classes) and ask Mrs. Weimer for an appointment with your counselor.
2. Mrs. Weimer will provide you with a few times to choose from and you can pick the one that will work best for you (i.e. not during a test or quiz).
3. If your appointment is the same day, Mrs. Weimer will give you a pass so you may exit class at the time of your appointment. If your appointment is for a different day, she will give the pass to your 1st hour teacher to give to you the day of your appointment.
4. Please show the teacher your pass before leaving class.
5. You could also place the appointment in your planner/phone to help you remember your appointment date and time.
**Please note, we disable the ability to make an appointment leading up to summer break and over the summer months. If you need immediate assistance, please use the Contact Us button.
Students are assigned to a counselor based on last name
Mr. Beach (A-Col)
Mrs. Govern (Com-Gr)
Ms. Collins (Gu-Kur)
Mrs. Muir (Kus-Pa)
Mrs. Donnellon (Pe-Sti)
Ms. Allen (Sto-Z)
Counseling Summer Phone Line:
Phone: 248-726-5727
Fax: 248-726-5885
Registrar (Records & Transcripts): Mrs. Paulus
See transcript tab below for instructions on how to request a transcript
Phone: 248-726-5727
Fax: 248-726-5885
Stoney Creek will be hosting colleges/universities over the next few months. To see an updated list of visitors, click here. Students will be able to sign up beginning Monday, September 9th.