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Honors and AP Summer Work Requirements

Summer Work for 2023-24 School Year

If your student has enrolled in one of the following courses for the 2023-2024 school year, summer work requirements have been posted. Students were emailed before the start of summer with invitations to the Google Classrooms (if applicable). Please use the links below for the appropriate course's requirements. Questions about individual assignments should be directed to the instructor of the course. Happy summer reading!

Language Arts Department:
Honors LA9 - all work is posted on the Google Classroom. Please use the join code: glbc3es
AP Lang - students have been invited to join the summer work Google Classroom where all assignments are posted.
Science Department:
AP Chemistry - join the AP Chemistry Google Classroom and turn on notifications. The summer review assignment will be available in August.
Math Department:
AP Spanish: 
Bienvenidos a la clase de Español AP - This is optional homework but recommended!
AP Art:
Social Studies Department:
AP US History: Join the Google Classroom "APUSH 2023-24" using the join code: xe3gbxm